One of the funniest memories of my childhood would be dinner with my dad. This particular scenario only happened a few times that I remember but we went through a phase where we would listen to classical music…and choreograph a fantastical montage of food dancing in our heads. Each sound had a specific food-like quality (we had quite the imagination). Perhaps this is where my love for classical music began (and where my love for food grew).
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been relying heavily on classical music to keep me sane. Sometimes I’ll need to resort to more drastic measures but most days, classical music will suffice. I’ve been listening to classical during my morning commute, which eases my mind before I start the day. Plus, the songs are really long so my internet radio doesn’t cut out on the train, score! I’ve noticed that on average, each song tends to be around 8 minutes. That’s 8 minutes of endorphins being released in my brain, 8 minutes of zoning out and thinking only about the music. There’s a plot, a climax, drama, action, a love story, all in 8 minutes of a single classical piece!
I need more music in my life. Who doesn’t? In an attempt to make that happen, I made an uncharacteristically impulsive purchase. Hey, what are tax returns if not for temporary inflated and luxurious spending? I bought a guitar. Happy tax return to me. Do I play guitar? That depends on your definition of “play.” There was a brief time in my life when my fingers would regularly flirt with the strings of a beautiful guitar. I wish I would have added “buy a guitar” to my 2014 resolutions. Few things compare to the satisfaction of crossing something off a list.
While I have plenty to keep me busy in my down time (what’s down time?), a little musical exercise is good for the brain. Now if I only knew how to play something other than Landslide…